Video Highlights
QR Codes
Scan the QR codes below to access the ROMS page (Race Organization Management System) or join the Telegram groups with relevant information.

Official Notice Board
ROMS webpage
Scan it to access the Regatta Online Management System with the Scoring enquiries, Hearings, Protest Time Limits, Change of Equipment, etc.

ONB Notifications
Telegram group
Scan it to enter the Telegram group where ROMS (Regatta Online Management System) automatically delivers all notifications.

Telegram group
Scan it to enter the Telegram group where all non-ROMS communnications will be posted (Event info, RC info, Lost & found objects, etc).

GPS Tracking
Tracking webpage
Scan this code to follow the Gold fleets racing live during the last 3 days through the GPS tracking system.

Organisers and Authorities